JCAM Cemetery Guidebook

History and Guidebook
with Maps and Directions
This 128-page book with full-color cover is an example of our unique capabilities to "do it all" for clients. For many design companies and agencies, book publishing is a non-starter... but we love it.
Part of our background is newspaper and book production and publishing! Big jobs don't scare us... coordinating multiple people and many little pieces of art and text... do NOT scare us! We thrive.
We helped JCAM save time, money and a lot of frustrating hours being the producer and go-between with a printer. We pulled all the parts together and made a single PDF file for the printer and cut out all the "authors' alternations" that cost so much, and made previewing and proofing quick and easy.
But what we're real proud of is the consistency to the look , the writing, and the presentation that is so vital to ease of use by readers.